U.S.A. CANADA 333333 @ffffff | | U PRINTING!Printing order form, Please wait. L | O R D E R F O R M |L | MAIL: Hooper International, Inc. 24 Hr ORDER LINE:1-800-245-7789 |L | TO P.O. Box 50200 24 Hr FAX line:(719) 528-8997 |L | Colorado Springs, CO 80949 Tech Support:(719) 528-8989 | | U.S.A. | Mastercard:_ _ Visa:_ _ Amex:_ _ Discover:_ _ Check:_ _ (US Dollars)| | Card Number: Expiration:__________ | Expiration:___ | Name: Signature: | Company: | Address: Disk Size: | | City: State: Zipcode: | Country: Phone: |2 | Registration number on disk you were using: |, | How did you hear about this software:L | ITEMS ORDERED |QTY|UNIT COST| AMOUNT | | |---|---------|---------|L | TAKIN' CARE OF BUSINESS: | | | |5 | Business Kit (2lbs) | ###.##L | (GL, Recon, Fin Utils, A/R, A/P) | | | | | | | |5 | Payroll-Master (1lb) | | $ 5 | Deluxe Kit (All 8 modules) (3lbs) | 5 | Deluxe LAN Kit (All 8 modules) (3lbs) | 5 | CHEQUE-IT-OUT - Personal Accounting | |---------|C | SUBTOTAL |$ ####.##C | ADD Shipping/Handling charge (Shipped Fed-X in USA) |$C | TOTAL |$C | Colorado residents add 6.5% sales tax |$ -- L | Prices subject to change | |C | All amounts in US currency GRAND TOTAL (US $) |$ L |-----------|----------|-------|-------------|------------|-----------|U L | | | | | | |U PRINTING!Printing order form, Please wait.L | D E L U X E C H E C K O R D E R F O R M |L | For FASTER service and FREE samples, reference number: TO9023 |L | MAIL: Deluxe Computer Forms & Supplies ORDER LINE:1-800-328-0304 |L | TO 1275 Red Fox Road In MN:(612) 631-8500 |L | P.O. Box 64046 |L | St. Paul, MN 55164-0046 Is this your first Deluxe |L | forms order: Yes__ No__ | 1 | Name: | Company: | Address: | City: State: Zipcode: | Country: Phone: | 2 | BILL TO:(if different) | Name: 3 | SHIP TO:(if different)L 4 | PRODUCT # | QUANTITY | PARTS | CHECK COLOR | STARTING # | PRICE |L |-----------|----------|-------|-------------|------------|-----------| | 091193 091050 091065 091004 > | | | | | | |L | ATTENTION ALL CHECK ORDERS | SUBTOTAL | |% | Enclose a sample of the check| |-----------|L | you are now using with VOID | SALES TAX (Your rate) | |% | written on it. New accounts |L | enclose MICR encoding form. | TOTAL | | 5 | Mastercard:_ _ Visa:_ _ Amex:_ _ Check:_ _ (U.S. FUNDS ONLY) | | Card Number: Expiration:__________ | Expiration:___ __ |L 6 | INFORMATION TO BE PRINTED: If possible enclose printed sample which |L | shows correct name and address. | Computerized Ordering U U.S.A. On-line Software Ordering Name: Company: Address: City: State: Zipcode: Country: Phone: Disk Size:(3 X0Registration Number on disk you were evaluating:%How did you hear about this software:KPRODUCTS ORDERED | QTY | PRICE | TOTALL---------------------------------------------------|-----|--------|---------CTakin' Care of Business: (Business Accounting) | | |; Business Kit(GL, Recon, Fin Util, A/R, A/P) (2lbs)| |$ $###.##< Payroll-Master (1lb) | |$ ; Deluxe Kit (All 8 modules) (3lbs) | |$; Deluxe LAN Kit (All 8 modules) (3lbs) | |$ | | |:F:[:u: ;3;>;F;N;c;z; ;/<7'>?>V>[>e> ?#?=?[?f?n? @'@W@o@ A8AhA}A A%B-B5BCBXBrB C;CXC G)G=GGGZGrG H+HBH[H|H I/IHIiI}I J J:JXJpJ KJKbKiKU Page U PAGE BREAK(Load new page. Press Any Key to ContinueU Printing Please Wait U Page: A ACCT # ACCOUNT NAME TYPE BEGIN BALB ------ ------------------------------ ---- -----------U ###### Page: RECEIVABLES JOURNAL PAYABLES JOURNAL PAYROLL JOURNAL INVENTORY JOURNAL POS/INVOICING JOURNAL ALL TRANSACTIONS JOURNAL through DATE CODE N ACT# ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION C CHECK # DEBITS CREDITS -------- ---- N------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ - ------- ----------- -----------? ACT# DESCRIPTION C CHECK # DEBITS CREDITSA------ -------------------- - ------- ----------- -----------U ou4; ###### Page: MONTHLY SEMI-MONTHLY BI-WEEKLY WEEKLY FREQUENCY: CODE N ACT# ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION C CHECK # DEBITS CREDITS ---- N------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ - ------- ----------- -----------H ACT# DESCRIPTION C CHECK # DEBITS CREDITSJ------ ----------------------------- - ------- ----------- -----------U ###### ASSETS LIABILITIES CAPITAL/EQUITY INCOME EXPENSE SOURCES USESU ----- ------------ ------------ ASSETS LIABILITIES CAPITAL/EQUITY INCOME EXPENSE SOURCES TOTAL ####.#% NET INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY =========== ===== ============ ============ Rr8It }#NuF Page: As of through mm-yy %ACCT # ACCOUNT NAME %------ ------------------------------ 1ACCT # ACCOUNT NAME ACTUAL %3------ ------------------------------ ----------- -----U >r8Iu9 }#Eu/ >r8LuC >r8Au9 }#Lu/ through K DATE DESCRIPTION C CHECK # DEBITS CREDITSM-------- ------------------------------ - ------- ----------- -----------U ou4; Please Wait SEARCHING FOR TRANSACTIONSU >l>&;U ERROR Memory error displaying window Account: TRANSACTION SEARCH is being printed 1 Beginning Balance ----------- -----------1 Ending Balance U >l>&;U >l>&;U >l>&;U >l>&;U >l>&;U Please Wait Loading Budgets NO ACCOUNTS>Income and Expense accounts must be set up prior to budgeting.U |kRSP }#Eu5 >r8Et. E#r8Iu9 }#Eu/ Page: through NACCT # ACCOUNT NAME ACTUAL BUDGET VARIANCEO------ ------------------------------ ----------- ------------ -----------U >r8Iu] }#EuS ) . 3 !.!6!\!l!t! # #(#6#>#F#N#S#n#|# %7%<%O%e%j% &,&1&@&E&_&x& '='E'J'j'z' (Z(b(g(~( )N)n)v)~) *+*0*U*Z*q*v* +=+]+ ,W,w, -%---2-D-a-k-p- /6/>/ 1&1+1>1C1l1q1 212U2]2 474E4M4h4v4~4 5!5/5S5c5k5s5x5 6%6-656=6B6Q6V6g6l6 8W8h8m8 9#9(91969V9_9d9 :(:-:6:;:J:O:h:m: ;*;;;@;E;\;a;s;x; ;oENEVE F,F4F H1HGHVH I@IOIcIsIxI L)L=LELJLTL\LkL M2M7M N/N7N?NGNLN_N{N PEPMPWPaPpP{P Q9Q`Q~Q Q$R.R9RBRIR^RcR S"S'S WBWJW X XkX YBYIY Z8ZGZlZqZ [&[+[Q[b[g[l[ [$]N] _ _(_7_\_a_ a?aZa cgdxd Tran file size: Free disk space: Reading Transaction:,Free disk space used by deleted transactions Compare Counter: Sort will free Bytes of disk space from deleted transactions.U Writing Transaction: WRITE ERROR%FATAL WRITE ERROR, FILE NOT SORTED!!! FATAL ERROR,ERROR WRITING FILE. TRANSACTION FILE LOST!!!U SORT TRANSACTIONS$Need 2 or more transactions to sort. SORT G/L TRANSACTIONS Sort Can Hold Records in memory SORT ERROR&NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO SORT TRANSACTIONS Sorting Transactions by TRANSACTION INPUT ORDER DATE ORDER CHECK NUMBER ORDER DEPARTMENT ORDER ACCOUNT NUMBER ORDER SORT COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY# ERROR: NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO SORT&WRITE ERROR: DISK BAD/FULL DURING SORT'READ ERROR: DISK READ ERROR DURING SORT& WRITE ERROR: SORT FILE CREATION ERROR SORT ABORTED BY USER " SORT ERROR: SORT NOT COMPLETED WARNING Remove SORT DISK from $: and replace with PROGRAM DISK NOW!U CHECK WRITING SETTINGS #---- CHECK ----- ----- STUB -----?Check Writing Position: Row Column Row Column Check Printer Port: Last Check Number USED: 9999999 Check Size, Length: Width: Check Number(7), Check Date(8), Pay to Name(30), Address(30), Check Amount(12), Amt with words(55), Expense Description(30), Check Init String: Check Exit String:U Importing Transaction 0 ###### READ ERROR TRANSACTION FILE RECORD #: ERROR"TRANSACTION FILE MISSING FROM DISKU }=Du: }=Cu: IMPORT TRANSACTIONS Import File Name: . ERROR File does not exist, try again.U . O ` o - B Z v !5!Q!f!~! ","A"Y"u" $3$K$g$|$ %&%B%W%o% &2&J&f&{& '%'A'V'n' (1(I(e(z( )$)@)U)m) *0*H*d*y* +E+P+o+ ,),J,T,`,~, -'-/-R-q- 1!1b1g1 212@2N2o2t2|2 333D3 5$5,5A5Y5y5 5$6/696D6I6]6m6r6 INVALID ACCOUNT %Account can not be a subtotal account INVALID AMOUNTS5Enter only ONE amount in either debit OR credit field Account number does not existU (Transaction is OUT OF BALANCE, Continue:U INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE%Account can not be a subtotal account Invalid Account, Add Account? NO/100 ZERO A Thousand Million Hundred ***** DollarsU Please Wait Printing Check .GLFU MODIFY ACTIVATE RECURRING RECURRING TRANSACTION LPt Code Check Description Acct Debit CreditN-- ---- ------- ------------------------------ ------ ----------- ----------- ____________ ____________ TRANSACTION TOTAL: Date: Frequency(W,B,S,M): ERROR Transaction is OUT OF BALANCE Please Wait Adding TransactionU MODIFY Transaction deleted Please Wait Saving Modified Transaction .GLRU DELETE Transaction already deleted Transaction has parts, Delete OK?U Date: Frequency(W,B,S,M): ###### U }=Du= SEARCH MATCH RECURRING SEARCH MATCH LPt Code Check Description Acct Debit CreditN-- ---- ------- ------------------------------ ------ ----------- ----------- Rec #: 3 Modify/Delete/Search/Reverse/Begin/End/+/-/Quit: >R%,u Q7 <Q7Qu Q7Q7SuX Invalid Account, Add Account? INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE%Account can not be a subtotal accountU INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE%Account can not be a subtotal account Invalid Account, Add Account? Invalid Account Account must be non-zeroU %(P)rint check or Inputs Correct(Y/N): >R%,t >R%,u SELECT ACCOUNT Checking Account Number: Pay to Check: Date: the order of: Address: : Code: Expense: Please Wait Adding TransactionU .GLTU RECURRING TRANSACTION Frequency(W,B,S,M): ######U }=Du8 Activate Recurring Activate/Next/Quit: #Select Activate Frequency(W,B,S,M): ACTIVATE TRANSACTIONS ICode Check Description Acct Debit CreditK---- ------- ------------------------------ ------ ----------- ----------- END OF FILE Recurring Transaction not found$No more recurring transactions found Recurring transaction not found NOT FOUND No Active Recurring TransactionsU >Q7Nt >Q7AuS Q76C6U6t6 7>7V7 8`8j8v8 :&:Q: :#;B;{; <=5>M>\>a>n> ? @9@[@ A"A1ACARAWAfA B$B;BOBfBzB B(C0CDCeCmC CRE~E F&FOYOmO P1P9PiPsP}P Q'Q0Q8QGQ\QrQ R5RJRbR S0SHSgS{S SgTvT U$U,U V-VBVLVXVlV9WNW\WkW XBYSY Z(Z4Z>Z [D[T[Y[ \#\;\K\P\`\i\~\ ]%]U]f](^:^]^i^}^ `"`3`_`n` a$a3a8aYaeaya albqb c5cAccchcocIdtd~d d,e1eDeOejeve f.f_fsf f'g4gjgog h5h=hHhOhZhahsh i%i=i\iqi j%jDjYjqj j"k6kGkckpk k l0l:lFl`lplul m*m=m`m n:nKn\nmn o,oioyo o2pTpnp p2qOqbqgqvq r)r8rarirxr u$v)v|K|U CALCULATING Initializing Account 0 of TYPE "R" ACCOUNT NOT FOUNDAAt least one type "R" account must be set up in chart of accounts TYPE "I,E" TYPE NOT FOUNDIAt least one type "I", OR "E" account must be set up in chart of accounts Reading Transaction 0 of ###### ERROR READING FILE TRANSACTION FILE RECORD NO TRANSACTIONS WERE FOUND ERROR"TRANSACTION FILE MISSING FROM DISK Calculating Balance 0 of 13 }#Eu5 >r8Et. E#r8Lt) >r8Ct0 >r8Rt) INVALID DATE RANGE>Trended reports require FIRST and LAST DAY OF MONTH selections INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE%Account can not be a subtotal account INVALID ACCOUNT Account number does not exist INVALID ACCOUNT RANGE5Ending account must not be less than starting accountU PRINTER OUT OF PAPER TURN ON PRINTER ERRORU Help Exit Screen,Printer,Disk(S,P,D): File Name: .RPT File Exists, Delete it: Starting Date: Ending Date: Code: Accounts on separate pages: Account Starting: Ending: Recurring Frequency(A,M,S,B,W): Trended Report: .RPTU ? o / > C R i "!j! "<"C" %W%j%w% &!&*&3&<&D&Y&q& '9'n' (!()(;(R(j( ).)6)K)|) * *8*T*\*m*w* -)-.-4-E-J-P-i- .'.A.K.b.o.v. Account file size: Free disk space: Reading Account: Compare Counter: Sort will free Bytes of disk space from deleted Accounts.U Writing Account: WRITE ERROR%FATAL WRITE ERROR, FILE NOT SORTED!!! FATAL ERROR,ERROR WRITING FILE. TRANSACTION FILE LOST!!!U SORT G/L ACCOUNTS Sort Can Hold Records in memory SORT ERROR"NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO SORT ACCOUNTS Sorting Accounts by ACCOUNT NUMBER ORDER SORT COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY# ERROR: NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO SORT&WRITE ERROR: DISK BAD/FULL DURING SORT'READ ERROR: DISK READ ERROR DURING SORT& WRITE ERROR: SORT FILE CREATION ERROR SORT ABORTED BY USER " SORT ERROR: SORT NOT COMPLETED WARNING Remove SORT DISK from $: and replace with PROGRAM DISK NOW!U .GLAU Please Wait Loading Chart of Accounts ERROR*NEED MORE MEMORY TO LOAD CHART OF ACCOUNTSU ADD ACCOUNT 5 ACCT # T DESCRIPTION BEG BAL 3 Help Add Mod Del Exit MODIFY ACCOUNT U !" must be LOWER than FIRST type "!" must be HIGHER than LAST type ""TYPE of Account is out of Sequence Account number for type " " accountU Number: Name: Type: Beg Bal: Active, Maximum is Accounts Out of Balance by: ERROR4Maximum accounts/memory reached - Account not added.U p>&;U READING Checking for Transactions: 1: #####U DELETE Account: , Are you sure: DELETE ACCOUNT(ACCOUNT MUST HAVE ZERO BEGINNING BALANCE%ACCOUNT CAN NOT HAVE ANY TRANSACTIONS .GLAU }#Au5 ADD ACCOUNT U SELECT ACCOUNT NUMBER Help Add Exit INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE:Select a Income or Expense account number, (NO Subtotals). INVALID ACCOUNT3Select any active Income or Expense account number. Please Wait Saving Budget Amount .GLAU NO ACCOUNTS>Income and Expense accounts must be set up prior to budgeting. Please Wait Loading Budgets ENTER BUDGETS Enter Account: Type: Name: ENTER BUDGET: Month: Amount:U !!!8o8w8 9 959M9i9}9 :0:<:V: Insufficient memoryU CONFIGURATION SETTINGS Date Mask: Date Field Advance: Time Mask: Error Sounds On: Window Sounds On: Exploding Windows: Auto Pop-up: Print Zero Balance: Decimal Character: Printer Port: Lines per Page: Top Margin: Bottom Margin: Wide Carriage: Pause Between Pages: Init String: Forms Init String: Normal (10cpi): Compressed (17cpi): Exit String:U Change Password Old Password: !!!!!!!! Invalid Password New Password:U .CKFU Change Date DATE: Change Report Heading Name Report Heading 1: Report Heading 2:U Main Screen Pick Help Shadow Un-Selected Hi-lite 1 Hi-lite 2 Hi-lite 3 Default Color Reset to Default Color Default B&W Reset to Default Black & White Reports ScreenU Datafile Backup Datafile Restore BACKUP DISK DRIVE: RESTORE DISK DRIVE: Help INVALID DISK/DIR;Backup destination must be different than current disk/dir.7Restore source must be different than current disk/dir. PKZIP.EXE PKUNZIP.EXE Put a FORMATTED disk in drive "**** PRESS ANY KEY WHEN READY **** ERASE PKZIP COPY :WARNING: NOT ENOUGH FREE SPACE ON DISK TO BACKUP DATAFILES=To continue backup put another BLANK FORMATTED disk in drive Put your BACKUP disk in drive PKUNZIP -o Q,>?>R>e>x> ?.?3?UFUfU U,V_V W!W1W9WYWyW X9X>XbX Y+Y8YEYRYeY Z>ZLZ]ZkZ